Monday 22 September 2014

Natural Head Lice Prevention

Well….we are into our fifth year of elementary school, had preschool before that (and still do), and daycare before that (and still do), and never have we been unfortunate enough to have to treat head lice (knock, knock)

Why?  Maybe we’re lucky, or maybe because when that unnerving letter comes home that says, “we have confirmed cases of head lice at your elementary school...or preschool...or daycare” I have always begun applying an essential oil lice deterrent to my kids’ hair, sometimes as simple as just tea tree oil.  Just a couple drops is all it takes. 

If a louse has to choose between a kid with essential oils or not, it’ll choose the kid without.  Insects don’t tend to like the smell, or other properties of essential oils.  Perfect!!

The next time you are faced with that dreaded letter, try this!

In a 2ml amber vial combine:

25 drops tea tree
10 drops eucalyptus
10 drops lemon
10 drops lavender
5 drops rosemary

**to make this in a larger size, simply multiply to increase- 10ml vial = drops above X5 

Shake/roll the vial lightly to blend the synergy.

Shake 2-3 drops of the blend into the palm of your hand, rub hands together, and then run hands through hair.  That’s it!  Easy!!  Remember to wash your hands afterward!!

If you want, you can add to shampoo or conditioner too. 

This can be used once or twice per day while the “threat” is present. 

This is a preventative measure only.  If you already have lice, please contact me and I will be happy to provide you with suggestions to kill off the little buggers naturally with some home treatments.

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Sunday 21 September 2014

Essential Oil Notes- Top, Middle, Base

After making the comment that lemon was a “top note”, I thought perhaps I should share a little more on what these “notes” mean!!

Top notes are the most volatile.  Their scent lasts the least amount of time.  They are uplifting and stimulating.  Some examples are: bergamot, eucalyptus, lemon, mandarin.

Middle notes help bring the body into balance.  The scent of these oils tend to be a bit more powerful than top notes, and their scent lasts longer.  Some examples are: geranium, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, ylang ylang.

Base notes are very grounding.  Their scents are more dominant, and will be present the longest in a blend.  I find it is better to use only a few drops of base notes in a blend, or the entire mixture will be overpowered by this oil.  Examples are: benzoin, cinnamon, frankincense, patchouli, pine, sandalwood.

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Friday 19 September 2014

The smell of fresh squeezed lemons - MMMMM

I am diffusing Lemon oil in the kitchen today.  It is so fresh and uplifting!  Close to the diffuser, it is quite powerful, but being a top note, the scent is evaporated and lost quicker than most oils I am used to diffusing.  It is one to enjoy quickly and closely!!    

Phototoxicity and Essential Oils

Did you know that some essential oils can cause phototoxicity?  Sun sensitivity, which can lead to burns and damaged skin more easily.  

Exposure to sunlight, and any other UV light should be avoided after being exposed to phototoxic oils.  It is suggested that a minimum of 12 hours should pass after a massage with phototoxic oils before UV exposure. 

Some phototoxic oils are: 
Bitter Orange

Thursday 18 September 2014

Carrier VS Essential Oil

Did you know that sweet almond oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, and macadamia oil, just to name a few are NOT essential oils?  

If your essential oil synergy lists any of these oils, it is not pure, and has been diluted with a carrier.  

This means the shelf life of your product will be reduced significantly, and the strength of your essential oil will be weaker than that of a full strength, pure essential oil synergy.

Stay tuned for a simple test you can do at home to test the purity of your oils!!

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Tuesday 16 September 2014

I am IN LOVE...with my diffuser

I LOVE my new diffuser!!  It looks cool and it circulates oils like you wouldn't believe!!  It converts oil and water into a lovely, light mist.  Perfection!

"Diffusers are an effective method of dispersing oils throughout your environment" -Rae Dunphy Aromatics

Diffusing pure essential oils purifies and cleanses the air. The oils are also absorbed into your system through the nose and skin.   

This diffuser I just got acts like a nebulizer.  You fill it with water, and add a few drops of essential oils, plug it in, choose your settings and within a few minutes, the room is filled with fresh, clean air, and the benefits of essential oils!!

When I opened it up, I set it up on the bathroom counter to check it out, then took it to the kids' rooms to "clean up" their air.  

I am diffusing pure lavender at nighttime in our bedroom.  No scent is more beautiful to me than that of lavender.

Because we are getting to that cool, fall, "germy" season, I am diffusing eucalyptus and tea tree in the kitchen/livingroom during the day.

If you don't yet own a diffuser, I highly recommend getting one!  Doesn't have to be like this one!  Get yourself a little counter-top one that uses batteries (that's what I have used until now), one that plugs in the wall, or one that plugs in in your car.  Purchase an oil that you like the smell of, that has the therapeutic properties you are looking for.  Make sure it is a pure, undiluted oil and that's it!  You're set!

Monday 15 September 2014

Pain is Your Body's Way of Asking for Help

Every day, our bodies are exposed to toxins.  Whether it is pollutants in the air or food chemicals or dyes.  Over time, these trace amounts of toxins build up in our bodies. 

It has been said that eventually, the build up can become too much for the body to cleanse itself.  As a result, you may experience a headache, sore muscles or fatigue.  Your immune system will try its very best to rid your body of these toxins.  In the process you may experience inflammation in your joints.  Perhaps in your shoulders, maybe your hips, possibly your knees.

In an effort to combat the pain associated with inflammation, and to help rid your body of toxic build up at the same time, try this blend on inflamed areas to help reduce inflammation, ease pain, and cleanse the body. 

30ml base cream
15 drops camphor
15 drops wintergreen
10 drops eucalyptus
20 drops lavender

This blend is potent, mixed at 10%, and should not be used internally.

This application may tingle a little, but should never sting.  Test in a small area before applying to the entire targeted area. 

Keep this blend away from children and pets.

Photo discovered at:

Friday 5 September 2014

Ingesting Essential Oils- Don't Do It

Please keep this in mind when seeking advice from any individual who is recommending essential oils to you.  Although it is becoming a more common recommendation from some distributors, as a general rule, those trained in the modality of aromatherapy will NOT recommend ingesting essential oils. 

Just as essential oils applied “neat” to the skin can cause irritation or burning, oils that are swallowed can have the same effect (or worse) on the tongue, esophagus and stomach. 

Essential oils are very potent in their pure form, a few are even poisonous if ingested.  Please stick with skin applications in a carrier, inhalations, bath blends, diffusers, and other applications which are recommended to you by trained professionals.    

Essential oils are FANTASTIC!!!  But not if they aren't used properly :) 

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is NOT a foot massage!  It should be performed on dry feet, no oil or lotion.  

Reflexologists apply pressure to reflex points in the feet (and sometimes hands or ears) with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques.

Reflexology or Zone Therapy is a natural healing art and science based on the principle that certain reflexes correspond to every muscle, joint, gland, and organ of the body.

Reflexology aims to improve your health by relieving tension, increasing circulation and promoting relaxation and balance to the whole body.

By applying pressure on specific reflex points a reflexologist can stimulate the corresponding organs or glands to promote the natural function of the related areas of the body.

Have you considered Reflexology as an option to help you with chronic aches & pains?  Want to lower your stress level or reduce fatigue?  Find a registered reflexologist in your area and give it a try!!

Even better, how about "Essential Reflexology"?  Reflexology combined with the benefits of essential oils!  Cleaning the feet with tea tree and lavender, for example, and then ending the treatment with a relaxing foot massage with peppermint and orange or lime essential oils (in a carrier of course), which will leave you with delish citrus-mint smelling feet.   

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